W - Waka



The Waka is a 5-line Japanese poem which is sometimes confused with the tanka.  Both have a 5/7/5/7/7 syllable structure, however the waka's lines are arranged in a particular way.  The first 2 lines make up one piece, the second 2 lines another, then the final line can be part of the second group, or stand on its own. 

Sunlit Garden 


The tiny green sprouts

struggle though the hardened soil.


Sitting in the sun

I watch the goldfinches drink.


The cat jumps up for a nap.


©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Once again, a form I was not familiar with. I like the suddenness in the last line :)

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. A cat jumping up is sudden too! I wasn't familiar with it until looking for a W form. I think X is the only one I had to do something else with.

  2. I'd never heard of this! I love poetry with somewhat strict guidelines because otherwise I feel lost writing it.

    - Allison (https://lightningflashx.blogspot.com/)

    1. That's a very good point! Having specific "rules" makes it easier for some, other like free verse.


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