
W - Window

  W – window  An old NaPoWriMo prompt asked us to look out a window and jot down words of what we see. Then, mix and match those words to build a poem.   NaPoWriMo has some great prompts, so you may wonder why I use old ones. They are released day by day in April, and I need more time to prepare for the A to Z Challenge.   My Out-the-Window words: Clouds, moon, stars, Venus, bare branches, cedar trees, steam from the mill, black, shades of grey, shades of blue, blowing My poem: The branches of the cedar tree, silhouetted against the black sky, filter moonlight. Steam from the mill rises white. To the east the horizon pink, as dawn nears. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

V - Verso-Rhyme

 V - Verso-Rhyme   The verso-rhyme was invented by L. Ensley Hutton.  It is written on a subject the poet feels emphatic and enthusiastic about. * 8 lines (an o ctastich) * syllables 6/4/6/4/6/4/6/4 * rhyme pattern  x a x b x a x b * usually right margined  * the only punctuation is an exclamation point at the end   Under a slate gray sky we wait for rain The soil parched seedlings wilt An arid year Side by side we remain with hopeless hope and watch the sky again No rain we fear! ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

U - Used Up

U - Used Up  A ekphrastic poem based on this painting.  See E for a definition. unsigned painting in my collection Used up. That’s how she felt. An obligatory soiree in too tight heels. “ Put yourself out there and schmooze. It makes me look good when you look good. ” Yes, she felt used up. Beat down. Worn out. Done in. And over it. She was determined that last night was the last time she’d be put on display. No more playing Trophy Wife. It was harder work than she expected. But, damn... that prenup. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 

T - Tears

 T - Tears I seem to have a run going of poetry from old prompts courtesy of  NaPoWriMo !   From “ That Morning ” by Rauan Klassnik.  The red text signifies the words I used as prompts.   " I’m trying to get this absolutely right. The words “ deer, ” “ clouds ,” “ trees ,” and “ it felt like it was raining ,” have all been crossed out." It felt like it was raining without clouds in the sky. Drips from the fir trees lining the deer trail ran down my face. No, not rain, tears. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

S - Stones

 S - Stones  Yet again, an old NaPoWriMo prompt!  " ...a poem that features  walls, bricks, stones, arches, or the like. "  This one is a true story.  My yard is full of stones gathered from the river. I’m told they were brought here in the bed of a truck, vacation by vacation. I’m pretty sure that’s illegal. As they say, “If we all took a stone, pretty soon there would be no stones.” My yard is full of stones. You wouldn’t be able to throw a stone without hitting a few. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

R - Rhymes

R - Rhymes A prompt from a quote found on the Bibliomancy Oracle .  Click the button and you will receive an answer to your question or concern!  All in fun of course.    I got a few good quotes to work with, this one being from  “ The Wages of Pascal ” by Charles Bernstein No doubt these rhymes annoy you.   I have come across people who insist poems must rhyme, and this quote reminded me of them, and how wrong they are! No doubt these rhymes annoy you. They annoy me as well. As do those who believe it’s not poetry at all, if it does not rhyme. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 

Q - Quadrille

Q - Quadrille  A quadrille is a poem of exactly 44 words.   This was written in response to a prompt, but I missed the window of time to link it, so it wasn't published.  The prompt was the word " imagine ," which is included in the 44 word count.  Imagine if we’d never met, we had never said, “ Good Day .” Imagine how our lives would be, had we gone on our way. I imagine you would miss me, and feel an empty spot. I imagine you would turn around, without a second thought. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved