M - Magnetic Poetry

You know those magnetic poetry kits with the words and letters on magnetic squares?  The ones people do on their refrigerators?  Well, you can do those online!   It's fun!  There are several online "kit" options (kids, geeks, nature, happiness, mustache, original), as well as "new" and "classic" versions. The classic is best, because it allows you to put words back or save them to the side, which the new may allow, but it just doesn't feel as user friendly.  Or, it's me...  Each option has hundreds of words, but don't worry, they aren't all given at once!  A page of maybe 25-30 shows, and you can drag out words you like to save below, or place in your poem on the left (classic option).  There are also word endings like "ed" and "ing."  I've overlapped words to make ones I wanted, as seen below in Whispered Dreams,  with the word "years."  

They lines are limited to fit, but if you want a longer poem you could write two and combine them later. 


Here are two of my latest attempts.  The first is from the Nature kit, the second the Original. I like to leave them in magnetic format!  When you save your work it asks for you to give it a title.  These were the saved titles, not what I would probably have used given a chance and more time to think. 

Interestingly, last time I posted magnetic poetry, there was one I called Vampires. While the words are different (I don't know how often the site changes words, but they do) I still envisioned vampires! 

©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#magneticpoetry #magneticpoems 



  1. I've had fun with the magnetic poetry sets, although I tend to get frustrated quickly with their limitations. I didn't know there was an on-line version.
    M is for Magic and Mutant


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