Z - Zeller, Gertrude - "The Birches on Cheyenne Drive"

 We've come to the end of another A to Z.  Congratulations to all who not only made all 26 posts, but all those who attempted to.

For my last post, Z, I offer an ekphrasic poem based on a painting I own, with the author name beginnnig with Z, Gertrude Zeller.  The title of the painting is "Birches of Cheyenne Drive," the street on which Ms. Zeller resided. 

"Birches of Cheyenne Drive," by Gertrude Zeller - painting in author's collection


The birches on Cheyenne Drive

flame this October

as they’ve always flamed.


The setting sun

lights the sky ablaze.

An inferno in the west.


Do you miss our autumns together,

watching the sun go down

on Cheyenne Drive?

Or, alone, are the leaves of Kyoto

enough for you?

©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserve


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. Yours are always fascinating. One of these days I'll treat myself to one of your fabulous prints.

  2. I love your poem and it really echoes the painting and a reflection toward the past.
    I usually do poetry for A to Z. This year I wrote a story (what was I thinking!!!)
    My Reflection

    1. Thank you. The artist wrote the title (or location) on the back, along with her name and address on that same street. I got the painting at a thrift store for $4.49 framed. (I have a bit of a problem buying thrift store art!)


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