L - Luck Poem

This poem is in response to a five year old NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Month) prompt!  It was originally for the seventh day, and as seven is said to be a lucky number, was to "write a poem about luck and fortuitousness" using the following instructions. 

Create the following lists:

1. List 1 – 3 random objects. (Smaller tends to be better.)
2. List 1 – 3 random but specific locations. (Think in the cookie jar, or under my seat…)
3. List 1 – 2 objects you’ve lost and a few notes on their back-story.
4. List 1- 2 objects you’ve found and few notes on their back-story.

Now, choose an object from List 1, a location from List 2, and connect them in a poem with ideas from Lists 3 & 4

My lists:

1. Silver chain, red pen, library book

2. In the trash by my computer, in the kitchen window, on the top shelf

3. Red stone from mother in law ring, passport

4. Crystal (at work), cat (Baby Cat)

Okay, I admit, I didn't tie in any idea from list 4.  If Meatloaf can say "Two out of Three Ain't Bad," then my three out of four is doing okay!  (By the way, I love that song.)


The red pen in the trash

has no more ink.

It was my favorite.


Gone like the ruby in the ring

my mother in law gave me,

lost in a house where I no longer live.

I’m glad she never knew

to scold me.

Perhaps it was found,

worn by someone new now.


A real shame about the pen,

it was my only red one.


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#bloggingatozchallenge #napowrimo2022 #napowrimoprompt #napowrimo22 #napowrimo 



  1. It's a very effective poem, regardless of which parts are true or not!
    I once lost a ruby ring from my great-aunt, and some 6 years later a friend of mine found it under a carpet in her house!
    L is for Language


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