Magnetic Poetry

Writers' Pantry #76

A few weeks ago a poet shared the link to the online version for those magnetic poetry kits. I became hooked!  There are five "kits" to choose from, as well as a "family-friendly" page. Using the given words (there are quite a few) required a bit of finagling.  I'm sharing some screenshots of what I came up.  Try it!  You may not get the words to write something "great," but you'll have fun!  

In this first, I wish I could go back and switch the first line and title. The first few were written with words from the Poetry Kit.


There is a Mustache Poet kit!  Shave was written using the words in that one.

©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved



  1. Very skillful use of the kits! Entertaining reading!

  2. "Earth Mama" and "Vampires" are my favorite. You built some really good lines there. "Shave" made me laugh aloud; a good thing, too, since "Champagne Kisses" was still making me shudder.

    1. Thank you. I don't care for mustaches! My first "real" boyfriend had one, and it was the typical mid-70s mustache people now make fun of! My late husband would try to grow one now and again, and I would refuse to kiss him!

    2. LOL, those were my favorites too. I found myself smiling to Earth Mama and grinning for Vampires.

  3. Replies
    1. I think so. Otherwise there would be no point in using prompts that give lists of 12 words, or 10 words, 3 words, or even 2 words! I didn't count the number of choices in each of the "kits" here, but there are well over 100, not counting the s, er, y, etc. Having random words stretches the brain, I think, especially when there are words I'd never think to use.

  4. I agree with you about the first one. It's good, though! I especially like "Vampires."

  5. Oh these are terrific! Yummy use of language.

    I have played with those magnetic poetry kits too; they're lots of fun, and open up new possibilities. But it's been a while and I pretty much forgot about them. Maybe you'll inspire me to go back for more.

    1. Thanks. Yes, do give it a try again, it is fun!

  6. I remember a long time ago when poetry dot com had there network, engaging in those poetry challenges. They were fun to compose


    1. Yes, they are fun. Mustache is a strange kit though, I think!

  7. Nice job and it is a good mental workout

    1. It is. I like how they give you suffixes, and s and more. As you can see, I overlapped words too!

  8. My vote is for the first "poem" although I have almost an infinity for Vampires. I do for Vampire Trees.
    Mustaches? I've had one with my beard since the mid 90's. I started growing it in Europe in the mid 90's. The only comment was from a friend, she said I looked better with a short cut one rather than having it bushy. So I've kept it shorter ever since.
    BTW, I make the Sunday Muse be my weekend write plus an alphabet write on my meme blog. I am trying Shadow Shots for MMT also buts that's small.

    1. With a beard they don't seem quite as mustachey! Like they are just a part of the entire face of facial hair. I think I picture the 70s ones and shudder. I see them in advertisements now, sort of purposely cringe-y I think.


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