Thank goodness for Napowrimo and yesterday's prompt!  I'd been struggling with Q for days, trying Queen (based on a print I have), Quarters (things that come in quarters like quarter hours), Quarters (as called "bits), Quests, and Questions.  Nothing got far until I read the prompt for Day 19.

And now for our daily (optional) prompt! Today’s challenge is to write a poem that starts with a command... Whatever command you choose, I hope you have fun ordering your readers around.

It's not a grand poetic masterpiece, however, Q and command led to this silly little poem, which is too true in my house!  

Mickey - @Mickey_Chicky_Boom_Boom


You’ll wake the cat,

who’ll meow,

and wake the dog,

who’ll come pester the cat,

and boop in her ears!*



You’ll wake the dog,

who’ll see the cat,

and jump on your lap

(and make you yell),

to get her!



You’ll wake the dog.

You’ll wake the cat.

Let sleeping pets lie!

Our relaxing evening

is over.


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

 #napowrimo #napowrimo2022 #napowrimoday19

* My dog, Mickey, loves the cats.  However the feeling isn't returned, as he's bouncy and large and insistent.   One thing he loves to do is pin a cat down and boop his nose into the cat's ears!  The big cat purrs when this happens! 


  1. This is such a cute poem!! Mickey sounds like a wonderful dog. The few dogs we had did not want to have anything to do with cats, lol. I could see this poem being made into a child's book with drawings of the actions happening.


    1. Thank you. :) Mickey is wonderful, if a handful. I think!


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