A - Another Winter Morning

It's April 1st, which means the first of 26 posts for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge!  There's still time to join in!

Also, today is Friday Writings #20.

To start the challenge off I offer a Terza rima poem with the title beginning with A. 

Terza rima is a new form for me, and quite fun to write, if not quick.   

* It is comprised of tercets (3-line stanzas). The form is syllabic, lines being between 8 and 10 syllables long (some say 11 only).  Mine has 10, which is in good company.  Robert Frost's Acquainted with the Night is a terza rima with 10 syllable lines.

* Lines 1 and 3 rhyme in each tercet.  

* No limit to the number of stanzas.

* Each stanza uses for lines 1 and 3 rhymes for the previous stanza's line 2.  Or, aba/bcb/cdc/ded... 

* It can end with a last stanza, or 2 lines rhyming with the previous stanza's line 2, or with one last line concluding the poem.  

* Oh, terza rimas also should tell a story!  That may have been my weakness, as I concentrated on syllables and rhyme.

Another Winter Morning


I see I am still alive this morning,

evidenced by breath in the room so cold,

first of several signs of dire warning.


The season is long, and this winter's hold,

like ice fingers sunk into goose-bumped arm.

These frigid days, past welcome, have grown old.


The twinkling of hoarfrost has lost its charm,

that was once delight in wide-eyed wonder,

yet now portends stinging needles of harm,


to crocus and tender grasses under

snows, awaiting a long forgotten spring.

Cold delays its exit, stays to plunder.


Oh!  To hear robins once again to sing

the slumb'ring sun awake, and then take wing.


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#fridaywritings #poetsandstorytellersunited #terzarima #syllabicpoetry #fridaywritings#20


  1. I think the story comes through. Tricky form!

    1. It was a bit tricky. I haven't the time to spend as long on most of my other letters!

  2. We are jaded by winter so soon but never by spring!

    1. Very true, but I do get so sick of summer heat! I lived in the mountains one winter, and I remember telling my mother that it wasn't even pretty any more.

  3. This is my first introduction to terza Rima. A beautiful form ...written poetically about a practical difficulty great.

    1. It is a beautiful form, and my first try at it.

  4. This is amazing, what a beautiful poem, I´ve never known a Terza rima before, I loved how you linked the verses, now I´m longing for a sunny day.

    1. Thank you. It's a new form for me too. I do like it, and it can be as short or as long as one likes.

  5. Hi Lisa, nice to meet you!
    A "Terza Rima WHAT"??? Learning something new every day. Perfect description (and photo) of yesterday - and today, for that matter.
    Here's to hoping Spring will resume promptly! Happy Weekend!

    1. Oh, sorry you have snow. My spring is here, nights are still cold, but mostly over freezing.

  6. Replies
    1. It is a nice form. It does take longer to work out, but seems to turn out well.

  7. Terza Rima is very tricky. I'm pretty sure I've attempted this form once or twice.

    1. It is tricky. More time consuming than some forms.


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