L - Lies

 L - Lies

Another past years' prompt on NaPoWriMo.  

Write a ten-line* poem in which each line is a lie. Your lies could be silly, complicated, tricky, or obvious.  

 *I broke up a few longer lines of the original ten, so it's twelve lines now.

I will not miss you,

I never will.

I’ll never think of you,

ne’r evening,

nor new dawn.

I’ll not dream I wake,

you at my side,

nor speak your name

to silent rooms.

I will not miss you

when you go.

Make no mistake on that.

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. I love this. I cannot reconcile it with the prompt, but that doesn't matte!

    1. As far as the prompt being ten lines, and mine is more, you mean? It was, then I broke some of the long ones up. I'll make a note of that. Each line is a lie of the narrators though!


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