S - Stones

 S - Stones 

Yet again, an old NaPoWriMo prompt!  "...a poem that features  walls, bricks, stones, arches, or the like."  This one is a true story. 

My yard is full of stones

gathered from the river.

I’m told they were brought here

in the bed of a truck,

vacation by vacation.

I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.

As they say,

“If we all took a stone,

pretty soon there would be

no stones.”

My yard is full of stones.

You wouldn’t be able

to throw a stone

without hitting a few.

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Ah - we are all guilty of that one Lisa - its just a form of natural redistribution...

    1. Not to the extent the original owners of my house took it! They brought back literal pick up beds full of nice rock, smooth river rock, and large stones too heavy to lift by hand. I agree we are all guilty to some extent though! I guess it depends on where you get things. Shells in the beach? Some have signs saying don't remove anything.


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