A - Alphabet Haiku

It's April 1st, and time to start the 26 day alphabet countdown.  Every day, with Sundays off, I'll be posting a poem relating to that day's letter.  It may be a form (such as this one for A), a title, a subject, something to do with a prompt.  I fully admit, some will be better than others. 

There is still time for you to join in. 


Here we go! 

A - Alphabet Haiku 

Alphabet haiku is an invented form created by Beatrice Evans.  

Invented forms are new poetic structures that do not necessarily follow traditional or established "rules." 

Alphabet haiku follows the traditional haiku syllable count of 5/7/5.  The only change required is each word begins with the same letter.  

Wet windblown wastelands.

Weary white winter weather.

Wake, wonderous warmth!

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 

F will be another A poetry form, the American Sentence.  


  1. Jamie (jannghi.blogspot.com): Interesting. I have never heard of this.

  2. Wow! Wording wonder written with winsome workmanship. (erin penn - https://www.erinpenn.com/blog/)

  3. Mummy sometimes writes haikus. I’ve never tried. I wonder if Ludo would be good at if he tried. Thanks for visiting us 😀
    Locksley @ George's GP World

    1. You could try! Maybe all of you could do a haiku writing day when you aren't able to get out into the garden.

  4. Hah! At first I though words would have to begin with consecutive letters :D

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. That probably has a form name, but with 26 letters it might be hard to fit them into 17 syllables. Hmmm... can it be done?

  5. Replies
    1. People like to mess around with the traditional haiku, make it more accessible I guess.


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