O - Oregon Myth (Colossal Claude)

O - Oregon Myth 

 NaPoWriMo had this prompt in the past.  

There are many good poems based on myths.  But today I challenge you to write a poem based on a non-Greco-Roman myth. 

I went local, but not with Bigfoot!  I discovered an Oregon myth of a creature living in the Columbia River dubbed Colossal Claude.  First seen in 1934, he is said to be a snake-like, 40' long creature, with "evil" looking eyes, prehistoric, with a horse-shaped head.  Apparently he was fond of salmon. More Claude sightings came in over the next thirty years.  Sailors, local residents, and tourists all reported seeing him.  There is video footage from 1963 of a creature matching the description given, however it was much shorter than the previous 40'.  

Colossal Claude

with evil eyes

lurking in the river.

Snake-like in body,

a horsey head,

make the fishermen quiver.

In deep water

where salmon swim,

the crew given to shiver.

The salmon gone,

Claude no more seen,

perhaps he moved upriver. 

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


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