24 Seasons: Koku 穀雨 (Grain Rain) No. 32

 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 32

 Grain Rain (April 19 – May 4) Koku 穀雨

"This week: Your writing invitation is to experiment with the renga form."

"I’ll give you the hokku portion for the Northern & Southern Hemispheres, and you write the wakiku portion. (I’ll add the kigo words to the hokku). 

BONUS: After you write the wakiku in reply to my hokku, please add your own hokku (haiku) on your post. In the comments on your post, I’ll add the wakiku portion!"

an empty attic

the sound of April showers

thunderous rumblings

so different from winter's

silent snowfalls on my roof

For my hokku I have used the kigo "wisteria," as mine is blooming.

with lilac petals

the wisteria perfumes

the air as we pass

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 

#tankatuesday #kigo #tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesday24seasons #rengapoem #renga  #syllabicpoetry #wisteria


  1. Hi Lisa! This is wonderful imagery. ❣️ I love wisteria! Here is my wakiku:

    hand in hand, we glide as one
    wrapped in our forever love

    1. That is lovely! I'm glad I changed the "as I pass," to "as we pass"!

  2. I love the sensory shift of the first one, and your wisteria is heavenly looking!

  3. Beautiful wisterias, Lisa! Here is my wakiku:

    nature's fragrance inspires
    poetry threads start to form

    Yvette M Calleiro :-)


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