D - Diminishing Poem

                                D – Diminishing Poem

In a diminishing poem the last word "diminishes" from one line to the next by removing one, or occasionally two, letters from the beginning of the word.

If the poem is three lines it is a subgenre of a classic triplet. 

They are a simple form, however they do get harder as your starting word gets longer. 

I’ve married trice

and thrown the rice.

Love turned to ice

His weight wasn’t clout.

He was just a lout.

I threw him out.

Put out the trash!

I’m getting a rash

from the soot and the ash.

I am so very glad

I met the nice lad

through an online ad

Don’t eat that swill!

For if you will,

you are sure to be ill.


I’ve got to cram.

Facts into my brain to ram.

My final's in the am.*

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 

 *The last word is read as the word "am," not the abbreviation.



  1. I've never heard of this kind of poem before. It looks like a lot of fun. I may have to try writing one now.

    1. It is fun. I don't find it easy over three letter starting words! It helps to start with the short word first (like "it") and add letters.

  2. I didn't know this was a thing. https://dacairns.com.au/blog/f/a-to-z-blogging-challenge-d

  3. Jamie (jannghi.blogspot.com):
    Another I never heard of.

  4. This seems like fun. Do check my blog here: https://www.sundarivenkatraman.in/

  5. I will definitely have a go at this form - such fun...

  6. Sorry, posted as anonymous by mistake on your last blog post. You are very good at this. I might try this one.

    1. I am always anonymous when I post from my phone. Even when I sign in like it asks me to do. This is a fun form.


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