Autumn Nights

  Mindlovemisery's Menagerie

Wordle #290

 A seasonal quote from Albert Camus is the inspiration for this week's Wordle.  We are encouraged to either make use of the words or wherever the quote takes us.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  Albert Camus

Word prompts in red, used in the prose portion of my tanka prose.

Spring is the season for flowers, but I prefer the fall, when every leaf begins a show of colors long hidden until chilly autumn nights force them to reveal themselves.  It may be too early for the maple running, but the crisp apples more than make up for it with numerous pies, crumbles, sauces, and cider baking and bubbling on the stove.  No second choices, fall's the best!


soon the leaves will fall

and swirling smoke from chimneys

rise to meet the moon

full and bright to light the way

as the children trick or treat

©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankaprose #syllabicpoetry, #autumnpoetry #autumnpoem ##mindlovemiserysmenagerie #wordle#290 #wordlepoetry  #wordprompt #weeklywordle



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