A Different Kind of Sweet

Poets and Storytellers United

Friday Writings #50: Sweetness!

"In honor of Halloween this week’s optional prompt is to use the word "sweet" to inspire your creations. You may (but don’t have to) use the word sweet in your finished piece or the title."

 Continuing my Seven Deadly Sins series of poems (this will be the fifth), I offer the sweetness of Lust in seven lines of seven syllables each.


Butterflies in the stomach,

when the steamy texts arrive.

Giggle, glance around the room.

Dare to answer back in like.

Easy to be bold in words,

we all must know how it is.

Forbidden fruit is sweetest. 


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#poetsandstorytellersunited #fridaywritings #sevendeadlysinspoetry  #syllabicpoem #syllabicpoetry



  1. Oh, what a wonderful take on 'sweet'! Ah yes, who doesn't know the thrilling sweetness of such temptation?

    1. Too often turns out not so sweet though. I suppose that why it was "forbidden."

  2. I grew up well before the cell phone era, but I imagine this is what it must be like for the young folks who are dating now.

    1. I didn't grow up with them either. In fact, I grew up before cordless at all. I do remember making calls to boys I liked, and hanging up! No way for them to know who I was.

  3. From Helen ~~~ your poem is temptingly beautifully sweet.

    1. Ah, yes... Blogger and its Anonymous! Thank you. :)


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