Another Man's Treasures

 Friday Fictioneers

"The Challenge: Write a complete story in one hundred words or less."

photo prompt

© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

100 words

Oh… My… God… Why you are only now telling me about this place? It’s been here for how many years, and you didn’t tell me?  Why?  What’s wrong with you? You know this is my kind of place!  It’s heaven!  In fact, if it were mine, I’d name it “Heaven on Earth.”  I could never own a place like this though; I’d never want to sell anything!  Maybe those eyeglasses.  You may as well go get a coffee next door, hang around on your laptop.  Look busy. I’ll be here a while. I can’t believe you kept this from me!

©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

This would  be my actual reaction if I was shown such a wonderful shop! Some might say I have a thrift  store addiction.  I do go often, and on my other blog share my treasures each Tuesday!

#storyprompt #fridayfictioneers #100wordstory #100words 


  1. I do have a collection of bright copper kettles I could let you have for a reasoable price

    1. Copper kettles are beautiful! In large kitchens where they can be displayed, that is.

  2. Very believable! I could "hear" this voice :)

  3. It's the kind of place I used to be drawn to like a magnet. Now I avoid them because I am committed to not adding more to my cache (euphemism.) I do understand the attraction!

  4. Dear Lisa,

    I can't say it was my reaction when I saw that shop on the inside. I couldn't wait to leave.



  5. I enjoy rummaging, in stories, and this one hit the nail spot on…

  6. An enjoyable believable read :)


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