Two Thoughts on an Old Friend

     Weekly Scribblings # 47

Poets and Storytellers United


At 15 years I had a friend

Who loved to chew her gum 


A rarity

For me

Or only sugar free


So Juicy Fruit became our “thing”

I chewed it months on end 


Too bad

So sad

Twelve cavities I had



I loved her like a sister

She later stabbed me in the back

As even sisters will


     ©2020 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserve



  1. Replies
    1. I've no sisters, but do have a daughter. I can't imagine two! The drama they'd have caused.

  2. I had a friend who not only chewed, but snapped. Constantly. The good news, I learned early not to snap my gum. Sugary, and cavities too.

    1. I had zero cavities until then. I will say, that gum is delicious! When my kids wanted gum I'd buy it only if it was sugar free. They never wanted to spend their own money on sugary kind!

  3. Sadly I had one older brother and he bullied me for the first ten years of my life. I understand perfectly.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. My brothers are five years apart in age, but a generation apart and are now like night and day. Actually, more different than day is from night.

  4. You should've chosen the Wrigley's Spearmint girl. She was much more level-headed!

    1. I don't recall the Spearmint girl, just the Doublemint Twins! I didn't like Doublemint gum. I do like spearmint best now, Extra sugarless. That's what's in the photo above! I told my son I should have bought some Juicy Fruit, but then I'd have to chew it!

  5. Oh I can so relate to all this! (No sister but a slightly younger cousin with whom there was huge sibling rivalry.) I wasn't allowed chewing gum, but sometimes managed to sneak some. Juicy Fruit was definitely the best!

    1. Isn't it odd how something as common as gum now used to be rare and forbidden? Like candy bars. I still remember getting an entire Hershey bar from a neighbor of my grandmother's. I couldn't believe it! A Hershey bar! All for me! My silly brain bothers to remember the picture of my holding it in the backseat of the car!

  6. I wa sorry to see that this wasn't you. But things do happen like this, a fun read,
    I tàught my little sister to smoke. She tells of herself kicking the habit when she got sick on the second cigarette.

    1. Shame on you! Big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters from all enemies, foreign or domestic, I believe the saying goes. Mine were too much older (10 and 15 years older than I) to be around to protect me. Although they smoked, I never did. It took her two to be sick? Haha!

  7. Juicy Fruit was my favourite. I see we both had gum related themes. It's too bad the teeth rotted and the friendship turned sour.

    1. Juicy Fruit is still the tastiest, but much too sweet! Friendships do come and go; we change as we grow older.

  8. I'm glad I never had a big blow up in any of my youthful friendships, but it still hurt a bit when we drifted apart.

    1. It's probably normal to drift apart. We change, they change, we wouldn't pick some of them as friends later on.

  9. I remember Juicy Fruit, and lots of cavities. My friend and I drifted apart as well, and yes, it hurt for awhile.

    1. I remember one close friend, we stopped talking completely. Now, more than 40 years later, I can't remember why.


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