🎃 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 🎃 Wordle #294 First, a few lines from Lord Weary’s Castle , a book of poetry by Robert Lowell. From: The Ghost (After Sextus Propertius)* “ You cannot turn your back upon a dream, For phantoms have their reasons when they come :” Prompt words in red. I sleep alone , yet not entirely alone . I lay in dark secret whisper ing to a ghost . Someone no longer bone , now un washed and rotting black . Still, under my silk canopy she sparkles golden. ©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserve #mindlovemiserysmenagerie #MLMM #wordle#294 #theghost #robertlowell #freeversepoetry #wordpromptpoem #wordpromptpoetry *Sextus Propertius was an Italian poet of ancient Rome. Published in 29 BCE, the first of his first four books of elegies is called Cynthia , who is the heroine of the works. Cynthia, real name Hostia, was the author's mistress. In elegy IV:7 Cynthia's ghost is featured. https://www....