The In-Between Time

The Sunday Muse #140

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men

Gang aft agley…”

(“…often go awry…”)

                                         Robert Burns


In between Christmas and New Year’s is a no-man’s land of time.

Time to reflect

in hindsight

on the year passed by

with regrets ruminated


what ifs? magnified.


Time to imagine

through rosy glasses

the year to come

with hopeful anticipation


eager resolutions.


 Hopeful Fools!


If nothing else,

 2020 should have taught us better.

Man plans and God laughs. 


 ©2020 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved





  1. Ahhhhh, we should all be wearing t-shirts that say I Survivved 2020! Still, we foolishly hope 2021 will be better. I think it will be. I think God probably weeps when he sees how we behave down here, all that we could be, as a species, if we could get it together.

    1. I see things like that, but maybe it's just too soon for me, what with so many still dying daily. Oh, I don't mean that against your comment! I know what you mean! And, humans really aren't very good at working together. Or, maybe that's just Americans, we aren't really very nice. it should be so simple to work together for the common good.

  2. Well done!! I tiptoe into 2021 with trepidation, hoping by mid summer we feel a bit more normal .. but that may be wishful thinking. So.... stay safe, healthy and happy. Cheers!

    1. Depending on how many take (or refuse) the vaccine, that will tell I think. America has certainly been the "don't do this" warning to the world. My county is a mixed bag of agreeable mask wearers and loud complainers. Yours is probably the same.

  3. I really like that quote, by the way.....i say it sometimes, lol. Yes, the covid numbers are horrifying. And now peoples' money has run out. Unbelievable. Sometime in 2021 i hope things better but it will take time.....and that's if nothing else goes wrong. I will be glad to see this year end.

    1. January does offer some hope for us! As you say, it will take some time.

  4. Plans are for those who can’t improvise, because life is just one big improvisation... Happy New Year Lisa... :)

  5. Better a hopeful fool than a hopeless fool! I take exception that Americans aren't very nice --- half of us are very nice!! The other half are just disillusioned! Here's to a much improved 2021 (speaking for my hopeful half!)

    1. It's just the "other half" is so loud about with their disillusionment! We don't work together for the common good like we see in other countries. We do appear to be more selfish.

  6. Well said Lisa! We have so much to reflect and learn. It does seem that humans should be better at working together for the common good, but sadly they don't seem to be good at that at all. 💙

    1. Probably more are than aren't, but those that don't seem to overshadow the others.

  7. Love this, and that quote is so true. I do agree (sadly) with you about selfishness here in America.

    1. I get mad at my son, and I hope he isn't right, when he says, "We're as good as we're gonna get." NO! Not of we get out there and change things! Voting helps. :)

  8. 2020 has certainty being illuminating. Your poem makes me think of how I feel every time I hear someone say, "I can't wait for things to get back to normal." Every once in a while I want to ask them, "How old are you?"


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