A Pair or Two...

The Whirligig 299

Prompt words in red.

Mariah Carey's shoe closet

Come into my closet

and look at my shoes,

Imelda has nothing on me!

The last time I counted

if I’m not confused

I had fifty-four hundred and three.


Several shelves of flat heels

and shoes for peeped toes,

also those that I wear for a swim.

There’s a pair with blue beading

and many with laces,

plus the dozen I take to the gym.


My lover, dear man,

put up such a flap,

but, I said it’s all cut and dried.

With a lingering look

and a roll of his eyes,

he declared I was mad, bona fide.

 ©2020 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Curiously I do remember the WW2 years in England when buying shoes was difficult and youngsters like me wore them out quickly. After the war was over shortages stll existed as the country was broke and now years later I don't feel safe without four or five pairs grinning at me fromthe wardrobe!

    1. That makes perfect sense. It's something that makes you feel better, and harms no one, so why not?


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