G - Grief

Grief may not be a tangible thing
as definitions go.
Yet, grief is felt
as heavy air, hard to catch a breath,

or, to catch a thought
before it fully forms,
extinguished on its way
to memory, and pain.

A tightening chest,
upon which sits an elephant.
Or, so it feels.
Too real to be imagined.

No, grief may not be something
seen or heard.
But, in the heart,
oh, there it's felt!

©2020 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Very good description of how grief feels. One of the most painful feelings known to humans and I'm guessing other critters too.

    1. Yes, I do believe humans are not the only animal that feels grief. You have only to see photos of grieving elephants or mother animals with dead young. Dogs have been known to die after their owners die, just giving up.

  2. That is a lovely, poignant poem. My old woman had a tear in her eye remembering people she has lost.

    1. Thank you. I am sorry I made her sad. I find that sometimes I like to remember and cry, if that makes any sense. I guess grief doesn't have to make sense.

  3. Your poem demonstrates that you really understand grief. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Thank you. I am not sure I "understand" it so much as having experienced it, and having it leave residue, or so many reminders I guess. It's much too easy to let those feelings creep back, which is why I pictured catching thoughts before they form and remind us.


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