Jagg'd Shards - an American Sentence


Poetics: Picking up the Pieces

"So, for today’s Poetics challenge, I would like you to write about grief (in general or personal). If that is something you don’t want to share, you can write about healing, dealing with loss or the general state of our world that brings grief to you."

While I've written, and posted, poetry speaking of grief in general, much of it, unbeknownst to the reader, as personal.  I may have mentioned, or alluded to the loss of my husband, but never came right out (that I recall) and wrote about it.  I've typed and backspaced, typed and deleted, and now, I've only been able to write one line, an American Sentence.  

 My heart was left so shattered, there was no way to pick up the jagg'd shards.

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

Other poems on the subject of grief, and loss, can be found on the left by clicking "grief" in the Labels area. 


  1. This is breathtaking, Lisa. The spareness and space around the emotion your single sentence conjures a world of life lived with joy and cut short. I applaud your writing skills but even more, your using that writing to work through the process of grief, which is long-lived. Please please please keep writing and sharing, as it is bound to be as helpful to you as it is to others who are grief-stricken. Namaste.

  2. I am stopped short by this single sentence that encapsulates everything about loss. Its sharpness recalls the grief when we lost our daughter. It was like being stabbed.

  3. Life does come to a stop after such a devastating loss and how does one begin to write about a lifetime that was supposed to be spent together!
    Lisa, thank you for sharing in just a sentence a lifetime of loneliness. Sending you hugs.

  4. Excellent! And I have learned about American Sentences. Thanks!

  5. As distilled as it could possibly be, Lisa, but saying everything that matters...


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