Friday Writings #136 - "begin by doing small things"

 Poets and  Storytellers United

Friday Writings #136

 "...I invite you to write poetry or prose inspired by a quote that’s starting to feel like a mantra for me and my current needs:We can begin by doing small things…” ~ Grace Lee Boggs


Just Begin.

It can be hard,


Begin with little things.

If you never move on

to things that are big,

you've still done well

by beginning.


Begin with little things.


Just Begin.

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

This prompt reminded me of a long, long forgotten poem I had written in my teenage poetry notebook.  Oh, what I liked in the early '70s!
To begin is as much agony as opening your hand.”  Rod McKuen “In Someone’s Shadow” 1969

Yes, a later poet, June Jordan, published nearly identical words.

 “To begin is no more agony than opening your hand.”  


  1. I really like this, and that line - begin with the little things - this really works.

  2. Lovely! I like the quote by June Jordan.

    1. Yes, it's a nice quote, however I knew the other published prior, so can't get over the feeling she "stole" it!


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