24 Seasons: Taisho 大暑 (Sweltering Heat)

24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 44

Sweltering Heat (July 22 – August 6) Taisho 大暑

"Your syllabic poetry writing invitation is to choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post, or you can choose from the summer category for the Northern Hemisphere, or winter/spring category for the Southern Hemisphere on the kigo word list links below. Share your kigo word on your post...
You must use one kigo word or phrase in your syllabic poem."

As I am currently under Sweltering Heat conditions (outside... as well as in, as my bathroom floor is being replaced and right now drying with the help of three industrial dehumidifiers) I was quite inspired by a few of the kigo words and phrases this week!

I choose "blazing sun," "summer rain storms," "melon" (or type of melon), and "summer naps."

blazing sun
fire in the sky 
at daybreak 

blazing sun 
ice cold honeydew 
summer snack

cool watermelon 
my anticipation great 
dashed hopes, rotten fruit 

fan cooled summer naps 
good only in theory
awakened in sweat 

summer rain storm drops
evaporate on baked ground
wildlands set ablaze 

summer rain storms bring
no relief to parched garden
just humidity 

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 

#kigo #americanhaiku #haiku #tankatuesday #tankatuesday24seasonschallenge 


  1. These are all awesome! Don't you hate it when you open up a watermelon and find it is mushy. Ugh.

    Yvette M Calleiro :-)

    1. I rummaged in the trash for my receipt to get my money back! Online sources said it could be eaten, but texture and taste would be different. Then why would I want to eat it!

  2. That top image does look like flames coming off of the sun! Love the series and really hope you (people and plants) get some blessed relief soon, Lisa.

  3. Lisa, I love your haiku series! It’s a shame about the watermelon. They are so expensive too! We had a bad one last year. Broke my heart. LOL! This year, I’ve been indulging in Michigan blueberries. They’re really good! 🫐

  4. these are delightful, Lisa. I'm sorry your watermelon was rotten though...



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