The Vampire Speaks

Tanka Tuesday No. 290

Ekphrasis Poetry: photo prompt from Britta Benson 

My choice of syllabic form:  etheree

©Britta Benson


Come close.

Closer still.

Be not afraid.

I will not bite you,

not as you see me now,

bleached white by the centuries.

Before, when I was young and flesh,

I was fearsome then and radiant.

But now, adoration without the blood.


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

 #tankatuesday #syllabicpoem #syllabicpoetry #etheree #vampirepoetry #ekphrasis #ekphrasticpoem #photoprompt #ekphrasticpoetry #vampirepoem



  1. I like the contrasting points you mention in this etheree. I almost wished you'd taken it longer. Thanks for sharing. So cool. I'm not scared for you cannot bite me. smile*
    Thanks, Lisa. Lovely. xoxo, Selma.

  2. I like the idea of being able to safely get close to a vampire.

  3. This could make a story...well done. (Kerfe)

  4. I love your take on this picture, Lisa! :-)

  5. Jules (Tanka Tuesday) You met the challenge of the photo well!


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