Untitled Tanka - Color Poetry

 Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 288


"Hello everyone. Happy September! This week, choose your own syllabic form and a color to feature in your syllabic poem. Think about the different ways you can use color in a poem."  

artwork in author's collection

palo fierro

scant relief from searing heat

with the drone of bees

lavender petals flutter

spent confetti on parched soil


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

I bought this painting just this morning, and it instantly inspired me!  For those who count, Soda Coffee (now Travel & Daily Life) does not recognize "fierro" as three syllables.  It is.  It's a Spanish word, and is pronounced as fee-air-o.

#tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesday #ekphrasticpoetry #ekphrasis #palofierro #ironwoodtree #desertironwood #tastetherainbow #tankatuesdayno288


  1. Thank you so much! I really can't stop looking at the painting. I hung it on the living room wall where I can see it from my computer at the kitchen table. I buy a lot of thrift store art, but this is now my favorite ever.

  2. Jules from Tanka Tuesday; Lovely lavendar. I tried to grow lavendar... not luck.
    Lucky you for the painting find! I also shop thrift stores. :)

    1. Lavender is a beautiful color, and the plants lavender come in such an array of pretty colors. I have several. I thrift shop several times a week! I share my finds on Tuesdays on my other blog.

  3. Hopefully the rains will come so the bees don't disappear as well. The image of confetti works well.

    1. Thank you. Falling petals remind me of confetti.

  4. Beautiful painting and poem to go with it.

    1. Thank you. It is a real beauty (the painting I mean!).

  5. Beautiful tanka. I love the imagery. ❤️

  6. Beautiful Tanka, Lisa. Your last line is extraordinary. ❤️


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