The Investigator

MindLoveMisery's Menagerie: Wordle #266


Prompt words in red.


I’ll be a detective

like Mr. Holmes

and search for clues in the dust.


I’ll listen for footsteps

in the back hall,

noiseless I’ll be, that’s a must.


Our marble of Brigid,

which stands in the niche,

surely strikes an unnatural pose!


Perhaps a jewel

of eminent fame

glitter(s) high up inside her nose.


A furtive society,

name still unknown,

is most likely behind all of this.


I must be impartial,

yet question the staff,

for something is surely amiss.


©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Nicely done!
    As a child I sometimes imagined becoming a detective, but despite my best efforts to conceal myself I stand out. Plus I'm terribly clumsy.

  2. Oh, yes, I'm clumsy too! Very. As a child I was also the tallest and not thin. I was born one ounce less than 10 lbs! My oldest son speaks of the "clumsy gene" inherited from my side!


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