A Rainbow Harvest

 I LOVE the prompt for this week's Tanka Tuesday No. 251, #Taste the Rainbow!   

 Write a butterfly cinquain (2-4-6-8-2-8-6-4-2) and include a color. Remember, colors can be a metaphor for feelings such as someone’s blue when they are sad. Sometimes when we mention a particular flower’s name, it brings the color of the flower to mind. The butterfly cinquain below is a rainbow of flower colors with only one color mentioned. Colors are a great way to show vivid imagery in your poetry.


the ripe

red tomatoes

 plucked sun-warm off the vine

 never made it to the kitchen

 juice drips

 branches sagging under their weight

 a bumper crop this year

 fat blueberries

 juice drips

©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved




  1. lovely and definitely evocative .... this fleshes out the moment of the picking .... and how wonderfully satisfying it is :)

    1. Thank you! It's exciting to pick the first ripe blueberry. And home grown tomatoes are so unlike the kind at the stores.

  2. This year was a pretty miserable one for both tomatoes and blueberries. A lot of blueberries can be grown in big containers.


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