untitled - January 13, 2021

Weekly Scribblings #52

The prompt today is to choose a line or phrase from Mary Oliver's "Landscape" and use it to inspire a new piece.   I wondered, if the moss could lecture with tongues, what might the oaks standing along the path be doing?  Perhaps watching and listening?

Tilden Regional Park - photo my own

silence in the wood

the oaks have ears to listen

they tell the wind all

hear it whisper our secrets

or howl frenzied with gossip


  ©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved



  1. Bravo lovely tanka
    Happy Wednesday


  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. That may be the only place I miss in CA.

  3. I, too, love your photo and tanka. And of course, that is exactly what the trees and the wind do!

    1. Shame on them! There are a lot of speaking words related to wind, aren't there? They also whistle.

  4. I'll stick my head out the door, we have two pin oaks trees in our frount yard.. They, like twins, keep to themselves so I'll probably not hear a thing except for the acorns dropping. Great write, I haven't done a tank in ages. Yours was perfect. O yes, we chose the same part of Mary Oliver's poem to write about.

    1. Oh, pin oaks! I grew up with a pin oak. Literally, it was small when I was small, and by the time my mother died it was a huge tree. Every year some so-called tree company would stop in and ask if my parents wanted the "dead" tree cut down. "No, it's a pin oak. It's not dead." Those tiny acorns. The one place I could not go barefoot!

  5. I always love walking by the trees on windy days, imagining conversations like these.

    1. Exactly! Some do sound like they're talking, especially groups of aspen.

  6. I love the thought of growing things talking to each other, even gossiping. The thought makes me smile. I will probably think of your poem when I'm on my next walk in the woods.

    1. I was thinking about the lectures the moss could give, and what they would lecture us on, and if they would snigger and giggle at our trysts in the woods!

  7. Don't you just hate it when oaks tell everyone your secrets? :)

    1. They live so long they know a lot of them too! They could tell us stories about our great grandparents!


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