The Perfect Vacation, or Don't Blame the Bishop

MindLoveMisery’s Menagerie

  Wordle #279



Prompt words in red. 

The myth of the perfect vacation

continues to this day.

The archaic belief,

so unlikely in truth,

is definitely a fiction.


Don’t place the blame

on the bishop,

his enthusiasm great,

recommended a grand adventure

on a scale to never repeat.


No one’s to blame for this folly,

seen every long year upon year.

We locals witness the friction,

as the holiday hoards try to cope,

by cutting the line

 for a hotdog.


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved




  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I think yours is just amazing!

  2. The best part of some vacations is how much you appreciate home when it is over! Vacations shouldn't be perfect though they should be adventures and adventures can be terribly fun but also terribly inconvenient.

    1. You are so right! It's always so exhausting to travel, even close to home like camping. I think it's true an adventure would be inconvenient, the word makes me think of more random things than strictly planned.

  3. A wonderful interpretation of the prompt words!


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