Morning Glory - haiku

 Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #329

words: bloom and wet
challenge words: gaze and touch

image by Lisa Smith Nelson

In wonder and awe

Gaze on and touch the wet blooms

They last but a day 

©2020 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved



  1. Beautiful...touch and live the beauty while you can

    1. That's so true. We have no guarantees of of a tomorrow.

  2. Lovely, doubled with the beauty of the pic. That glow within is special. Is this hibiscus?

    1. It's just a common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea, literal title as well as it being a glory in the morning!
      Isn't the glow amazing! I never stop taking photos of that, I don't know where it comes from! I like to think it goes to a fairyland! The pollen glows too. My other blog has photos of that...

    2. Really amazing. At some point, I thought the photo was edited, just that inside pollen area to make it glow. But then realised doesn't make sense for someone to do just that. I guess the hour of the day makes it glow, dawn or dusk. Also, the combination of the purple from the outside petals. But great to see. Which part of the world did it blossom at?

    3. Morning glories are native to Central America and Mexico, but are really easy to grow as annuals most places. In really warm places they are perennials. I have grown them in California and now in Oregon. Once you have them you won't be without, they self-seed a lot! They bloom in the morning for me, just like their name. Only these dark purple ones have the bright glow from inside. It really is almost too bright to look at sometimes! Bees crawling in look like they are going down a tunnel of light!

    4. So wonderful. Such a delight to the eyes. and thanks for the gardening tips and info. Appreciate this.

  3. I love the Morning Glory, and so clever to get all four prompt words into a simple Haiku!

    1. Thank you! They just seemed to fit so well, I doubt I can do it again!


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