C - Cocoon


Sitting in the car

Snow falls, carried softly down,
laying a cold cover of cotton

Inside, the windows slowly fog
cocooning me in silence

And blinding me to the view

 ©2019 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Hi! I liked the theme of this poem - cocoon. Very beautiful! I can literally feel the snow fall and cover everything around me.
    - Jui Positive Cookies

    1. This poem is a "true story!" I was waiting for someone I'd driven to an appointment and it started snowing. Later I had to drive them to the pharmacy, and on the way back was rear-ended because of the snowy roads! Snow is beautiful, but I prefer it to melt within a hour! We aren't "supposed" to have so much snow, but... well, weather changes.

  2. I love this. And it's exactly the kind of image that makes me hold good thoughts for winter. Sorry to hear about the accident though. That and shoveling go into the minus column.

    1. Thanks. If I have nowhere to go I love the snow! It's so beautiful and quiet. It also makes my house light inside, it reflects into the front door windows from the roof across the street.

  3. Mmmmm. Been there. Perfect picture...so quiet, too.

    AtoZ Challenge
    Maine Vanity Plate Poetry

    1. That's the thing about snow, it makes ones surroundings so quiet! Muffled.

  4. Lisa,

    Hopefully that cold is now past us for many months. Creative play on words and cleverly written for a capable versmith as you! Thanks for joining me yesterday for my newest character art sketch in this month's challenge, The Little Mermaid Carlotta! Happy A2Zing

    1. We only get a few days of snow, although each winter has been getting more of them.
      I do believe spring will stay in my area! I don't push it and plant frost tender things yet, even if the stores have them!

  5. I really like this one :) Couldn't decide if the person is just waiting or is stuck in the car (a few years ago a snowstorm stranded a lot of drivers in Hungary), but it works either way :)

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Poetry can be taken different ways, but here, it's a true story, and I was waiting!
      I can see it could also be a trapped driver, waiting.
      Thanks for pointing that out!

  6. Nice! Love the cotton reference. I love cross country skiing after a snowfall when it's soft & silent.

    1. I too love how silent snow makes things. You don't even have to look outside to know things are blanketed, you can just tell by the muffled-ness.


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