The Perfect House or Lack of Communication

 The Sunday Muse #179 

photo prompt

It’s THE perfect house.

(For a millionaire.)

I love the pillars in front.


There’s lovely brickwork.

(With mortar come loose.)

We’ve come to the end of our hunt!


Plus TWO fireplaces to keep us all snug,

(I’m sure the roof will leak water.)

and trees to cut for our wood.


The location is perfect.

(The floorboards are wet.)

We can settle in here for good.


Some windows are broken,

(With dry rot no doubt.)

but, that that isn’t anything major.


Imagine the history here in this house!

(Not to mention the wet rot and mildew.)

Just a few months of labor, I’d wager.


Just breathe that fresh air.

(I think I smell skunk.)

Our married life will begin!


A fresh coat of paint,

(The siding is rotten.)

is all that it needs to move in.


Oh, look!  There’s a basement!

(With moss on the walls.)

An utterly perfect game room!


This is the one!

(Have you heard me at all?)

We’re of one accord I assume.  


©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Yes a millionaire could afford all the repairs for sure!! I love the subtle sarcastic flair this speaks. So glad to see you at the Muse Lisa!!

    1. Glad to be there/here! Nice prompt! I like the house, but just imagined the repair costs.

  2. I really enjoyed the dueling dialogue and the thoughts in between. Very entertaining.


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