Social Media Whore

Simply 6 Minutes 


132 unedited words

Oh, my god… what did you do to Brutus?  Just LOOK at him!  He hates it, take it off!  Yes, he does, look at his eyes, he hates it.  Stop laughing; he knows you’re laughing at him.  It’s humiliating. Dogs can to get humiliated!  Come here, Brutey. 

Is that MY sweater?  You cut the sleeves off MY sweater to put on the dog?  Why?  What is wrong with you?  I liked that sweater even if you didn’t. 

Just between the two of us, he looks like an idiot.  I’d never let HIM know it though.  Now, take that off him, and STOP TAKING PICTURES!  What are you going to do with them?   What?  NO!   You can’t post them on Instagram!  Brutus has a dignified social media presence!  You will RUIN his reputation! 

©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved



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