Witch's Brew

 Tanka Tuesday Halloween Poetry Challenge: Witch's Brew Poetry

Colleen tells us "Witches and their potions are synonymous with Halloween. Let’s create a spellbinding poem. (longer syllabic forms work best). You can write freestyle, but you must include a syllabic form too!

Write a syllabic poem about a witch brewing a potion. Include vivid descriptions of ingredients and their effects. 

You can make the poem a rhythmic chant or incantation, enhancing the magical feel of your words. The idea is to have fun, so humor works!

Feel free to use end rhymes on forms that don’t usually have them. Please let us know the form and if you’re using end rhymes. (The use of end rhymes is optional).

For this challenge, if you’re using end rhymes on forms that don’t usually have end rhymes, you’re creating experimental syllabic poetry.

Or, write from the perspective of an ingredient, expressing its fear or excitement at being used in the brew."

A very good thing were are encouraged to "have fun" with it this week!  I have written a chōka with a tanka as the envoy.   Neither form typically rhyme, but here they do.  I have alluded to two pieces of literature, one more obvious!  

dog no longer speaks

all he ushers forth are squeaks

three legged lizards

were thirteen mighty wizards

wolf has a toothache

the slimy lump was a snake

dear frog wears a cast

celebrated jumps are past

surely we've done what she asked

to brew her potion

her All Hallows’ Eve notion

we sacrificed our best

life or limb, we gave her all

so she had booze for the ball

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesday #choka #tanka #halloweenpoetry #witchesbrewpoetry #syllabicpoetry #tankatuesdaychallenges 


  1. This is fantastic, Lisa! I love it!

    Yvette M Calleiro :-)

  2. I love how the mystery was unveiled at the end. Very creative brewing, Lisa.

  3. Absolutely wonderful love this ❤️❤️

  4. I loved this so much, Lisa. You're so creative! 🧡


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