
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Good Dog - an Ovi

 Ronovan Writes Ovi Poetry Challenge 6: GOOD is your inspiration.  What things, when asked, would I term "good," things both unclear and understood? Forgive me please for if I should take so long deciding.     One thing I know is good for sure, with heart of gold and love so pure, who cheers me up, who is my cure, no surprise, it's Mickey!   He's by my side both night and day, placidly napping, or at play, comprehending most words I say. His vocabulary!   Yes, he's my dog, yet so much more, with a face you cannot ignore He's clearly not a Labrador, largely Border Collie. ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved I had a little fun writing this one today!   #mickey_chicky_boom_boom #ronovanwrites #ronovanwritesovipoetrychallege #ovipoetry #ovipoem #dogpoem #rhyme #syllablicpoetry 

Make Mine a Hopper - Dectina Refrain

  Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 330 Ekphrastic Poetry "This week, using the painting below as your inspiration, please write either a syllabic poetry form or a freestyle poem, including a syllabic form (both on the same post) ." Wivenhoe Park , by John Constable  My ten line poem would ordinarily be called an etheree, however the last line repeats the first four lines, making it a dectina refrain.  Both the etheree and the dectrina refrain are invented forms.  You paid how much for this pastoral scene? Constable, you say? It should be Picasso at that price. Or a Warhol would be far cheaper.  Send it back. You wasted my money once again. You paid how much for this pastoral scene?   ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved As you can see, I am not a fan of Constable!  My son summed him up well this morning with, "It looks like a jigsaw puzzle."  Well, to each his own, I know he sells for incredible amounts of mi...

A Silhouette of Crows - an Imayo

  Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge:  Specific Form  " This week's challenge is to write an Imayo poem.  Your subject must be about a bird!  I can be any type of bird."  (edit: an Imayo is four lines, and I realize my error.  I have no idea why I only wrote three!) ©Lisa Smith Nelson The crows in silhouette watch, silent as one crow their quiet disconcerts me, the un-crow-like calm gnarled toes clasp gnarled winter limbs, beneath dove grey skies                                                              ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved ©Lisa Smith Nelson #syllabicpoetry #imayo #crowpoetry #syllabicpoem #tankatuesdayno329 #poetryprompt


Poets and Storytellers United Friday Writings #85: First Lines  " For  today’s optional prompt , I invite you to write poetry or prose inspired by a fantastic first line. One that hooked you. One that lingers..."  photo: I’m sitting here where you left me hardly more than a week ago.* A week of year-long days, waiting in this place I broke my heart. I come in hopes that one of these long days I’ll find you sitting here. Waiting for me. Perhaps that’s why I come, to be here first. You’ll see me here and know I never meant for you to stay away although I told you go. I’ll be sitting here,  waiting.  Hope to see you soon.    ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved * First line of Cold Flat Junction , by Martha Grimes.  It was published five years after Hotel Paradise , the first in the Emma Graham series.  So, five long years have past for the reader, yet for Emma it's only been a little over a week.   ...

The Foot Race - an Ovi

Ronovan Writes Ovi Poetry Challenge 4: RACE is your inspiration. Determined to win the foot race, he kept running a steady pace. Near the end tripped on a shoe lace, to come in next to last ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved