The Good Dog - an Ovi
Ronovan Writes Ovi Poetry Challenge 6: GOOD is your inspiration. What things, when asked, would I term "good," things both unclear and understood? Forgive me please for if I should take so long deciding. One thing I know is good for sure, with heart of gold and love so pure, who cheers me up, who is my cure, no surprise, it's Mickey! He's by my side both night and day, placidly napping, or at play, comprehending most words I say. His vocabulary! Yes, he's my dog, yet so much more, with a face you cannot ignore He's clearly not a Labrador, largely Border Collie. ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved I had a little fun writing this one today! #mickey_chicky_boom_boom #ronovanwrites #ronovanwritesovipoetrychallege #ovipoetry #ovipoem #dogpoem #rhyme #syllablicpoetry