Time Slows - Found Poetry

One of my favorite places to "find" poetry is in the monthly Editor's Letter of magazines! 

Found Poetry is finding words in other texts and using them in your own poem.  For me, I keep them in order.  You can even spell out a missing word you want, or add an "s" for a plural.  Actually, do what you want, Found Poetry is pretty rule-free!  Sometimes they don't make a lot of sense, and that's okay too.  It's fun. 

This Found Poem is from the Editor's Letter in Better Homes & Gardens October 2023.  Yes, I rip them out and save them for later!  

Time slows.

My senses glide.

Days angle,

become blue and sweet.

Such bittersweet,

the first sounds,

eerie, unseen.

Distance erodes the sea.


Move fast.

Don’t stop

Let something

pass by,


©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 


  1. Blue and sweet, bittersweet... Love the juxtapositions. Couldn't let it pass by unnoticed. 👍

    1. Thank you for stopping by, reading, and commenting!


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