
Poetics: Daffy for Daffodils, Sprung in Spring  

Today, dVerse offers the following prompt.   

"Below you will find some names of daffodil varieties. Choose at least 3 words/phrases to use in your poem, but you may choose more. If the name is more than one word, you must use both words. There is no required form or length. Your poem does NOT have to be about daffodils or spring, and there is no restriction on form, style, or subject."

From the list I chose beautiful eyes, golden dawn, love call, narcissus, silver smiles, tete-a-tete, and Thalia.  Plus the image below is by Dutch master Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os, featuring several types of daffodils.  The last photo is my own Tete-a-Tete daffodils blooming in my herb garden. 

Love calls.

A little tete-a-tete

with my own sweet self.

Such beautiful eyes,

and those silver smiles.

Even the golden dawn

in my own image.

Enough to turn 

Thalia’s head

   from Apollo.  

I am Narcissus,

after all.

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


#dverse #narcissus #narcissuspoem 


  1. Very clever! I like how you worked in all those fulsome compliments to self

  2. Nice refreshing poem, nice use of the word list.

  3. Clever! We all need self love.💛

  4. A tete a tete with self... yes very Narcissian

  5. We all need to give ourselves some love and attention now and again, Lisa, and why not with daffodils?

  6. We all need to give ourselves some love and attention now and again, Lisa, and why not with daffodils?

  7. I'm with everyone else--so clever. I didn't see that coming. Thank you! I like how you used the prompt words to get there. 😊

  8. I love that you wrote about the gorgeous Narcissus .... quite clever!

  9. Indeed. I love the proud, strutting moment you make.


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