
Showing posts from February, 2024

24 Seasons: Usui (Snow Becomes Rain) No. 23

  24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 23  Snow Becomes Rain (February 19 – March 4) Usui 雨水 " Your writing invitation is to choose one of the 24 Forms for your poem. (You can select 3 different forms for the 3 suggested kigo word phrases, if you’d like). You can use the kigo words and phrases from the Part I challenge post..., or you can use the phrases I’ve created..." Kigo phrases for the Northern Hemisphere. early spring [insert an early spring flower name] spring flowers lingering snow leap day photo ©Lisa Smith Nelson, taken in February 2019 leap day garden stroll winter's overstayed his time  yet more snow forecast lingering snow slush crunches under my rain boots dismal day ahead early spring crocus bright jewels on frozen ground my morning replete  ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved  photo ©Lisa Smith Nelson, taken in February 2019

24 Seasons: Usui (Snow Becomes Rain) No. 22

 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 22  Snow Becomes Rain (February 19 – March 4) Usui 雨水 "Your syllabic poetry writing invitation is to choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post. You can select from the Winter and Early Spring categories ( Yuki Teikei Haiku Society ) on the kigo word list links below. Share your kigo word on your post." I have written a kouta with the kigo phrase, " the month of expectation, "  using plural " months ."    I have edited the original to change "the" in the last line to "nor," as it wasn't clear that "he" did not live to see the spring blooms.  image public domain These months of expectation promise nothing to me now. He'll not see another spring, nor cherries in bloom. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved  #tankatuesday #kigo #tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesday24seasons #kouta #syllabicpoetry 

24 Seasons: Risshun (The Beginning of Spring) No. 21

  24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 21 The Beginning of Spring (February 3 – 20) Risshun 立 " ... write a poem using one of the 24 forms—your choice. Choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post. Or you can select from the Winter and Early Spring categories ( Yuki Teikei Haiku Society ) or select from the kigo word list links below. Share your kigo word on your post ." My choice from the 24 forms is a mondo .  My kigo phrases are " lingering cold ," " crisp weather ," and a rewording of " remaining snow ."  Peas do get planted in February here in Southern Oregon. Why are you planting seeds in the lingering cold while snow remains in the shade? Crisp weather sowing is just right for the snap peas  you love so well in stir-fry. ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved  #tankatuesday #kigo #tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesday24seasons #mondopoem #mondo #tanka #syllabicpoetry 

Pure Haiku - Three Trees

 I am honored to have one of my haiku accepted for publication on Pure Haiku.  The theme was this image prompt.  The link to Pure Haiku became live today, and the haiku is below. credit: Elisa Ang 2 – 9 the gods are absent freezing snow falls with no check the shrines all empty © Lisa Smith Nelson 2024 The gods being absent, and the shrines empty, refer to the Japanese season of early winter (in November), and the kigo phrase " the gods are absent ."  This is the season after the harvest when the Japanese gods have finished their duties and have left the shrines for a well deserved rest.  They gather to celebrate at the Grand Shrine of Izumo, one of the most important and ancient of the Japanese shrines, leaving all the others empty. 

24 Seasons: Risshun (The Beginning of Spring) No. 20

 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 20 The Beginning of Spring (February 3 – 20) Risshun 立 " ...choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post, or you can choose from the Winter and Early Spring categories ( Yuki Teikei Haiku Society ) on the kigo word list links below.  Share your kigo word in your post. " I chose, for a tanka and a haiku, " shallow spring ," " lingering cold ," " cats in love ," and a take on " plum blossoms ," using plum buds, as my plum blossoms (actually a pluot) are only buds at this point.  The cats have been " in love " outside the windows in the night for the past week. this pale shallow spring flowering quince disregards the lingering cold plum buds swollen with promise outside my frosted windows cats in love shrieking nocturnes - shadows under dim shallow spring moonlight ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved  #tankatuesday #kigo #tankatuesdaypoetry...

Untitled Haiku - February 5, 2024

Ronovan Writes Weekly Haiku Challenge #500 words: story and wane photo: my life's story told in forward and backward steps in waxes and wanes   ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved  #haiku #ronovanswrites #weeklypoetryprompt #syllabicpoetry #japanesepoetryform