24 Seasons: Shubun (First Frost) No. 5

Tanka Tuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge No. 5 

First Frost (October 23rd – November 6) Soukou 霜降

"... choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post, or you can choose from the autumn category... Share your kigo word on your post."

I have chosen "first frost," as I am expecting my first frost tomorrow night.  One of the kigo phrases is "preparations for winter," and I have switched that to "not prepared for winter."   The photos are from last year.

first frost due tonight

I need to leave my warm house

prepare the garden

the faucets are still unwrapped

I'm not prepared for winter

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tanka #tankapoetry #syllabicpoetry #kigo #tankatuesday 


  1. I'm not prepared either, Lisa. You've given me another nudge to get my garden in order. 😊

  2. First frosts are like that, sneaky 💜💜

    1. They certainly are. Late warm weather made me forget we were past our possible first frost date.

  3. LOL! I had to chuckle at your "not prepared for winter." The weather has played lots of tricks on us this autumn. Enjoy the first frost. ❄️

  4. Even though we know it is coming, it is always a surprise, isn't it. I like how you shifted the kigo to fit the circumstances, Lisa.

  5. We need to wrap pipes too, but I always like the first frost :)

    1. It doesn't get cold enough to do anything other than cover the faucets with those foam boxes. At least, it hasn't. The old water heater had old clothes wound around it, but since it's in a carport shed I don't wrap the pipes of the new one. I'm just in zone 8b.

  6. I enjoyed your poem very much - thanks :) Dahlia


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