24 Seasons: Shubun (Autumn Equinox) No. 2

Tanka Tuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge No. 2 

The Autumn Equinox (September 22 – October 7) Shubun 秋分

"... choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post, or you can choose from the autumn category... Share your kigo word on your post."

I chose the kigo word "grapes" from the words for this season.  My wild grapes have just finished ripening here in Southern Oregon. My form of choice is a mondo.

The grapes on the fence,

the ones hanging in clusters, 

who will be first to taste them?

You planned tart wines and

jars of jelly for Christmas,

the raccoons left you nothing.

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesdaysyllabicpoetrychallenge #24seasonspoetry #mondo #mondopoetry #mondopoem #shubunpoetry 


  1. Love this and the story of what thr raccoons took awa.

  2. Love this one Luckily, we don't have raccoons in NZ

    1. You probably have something else though! The raccoons in my neighborhood pop up and down from the drainage areas for the gutter water. Boy, did my dog have a fright the first time he saw one disappear!

  3. The space between the first and second stanzas seems so wide. Dreams vs. reality...

    1. Planning what to do with a harvest isn't ever a sure thing!

  4. Lisa, your grapes look amazing. Did the racoons take all of them? Those greedy little beasts!! I love your mondo. These are quick and fun forms. 🍇

  5. This is great and so typical of nature, tantalising! 💜

  6. Those dreary raccoons!

  7. Oops! The raccoon comment was me.🦝


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