Poets and Storytellers United Friday Writings #96 The prompt for this week: Do you too find that your sensual memories of the place you grew up in, when sparked, arouse that kind of nostalgia, at once sharp and comforting? Or did you perhaps live somewhere you couldn’t wait to get away from, to find a more nurturing home elsewhere? I took the prompt a different direction. I'd love to be nostalgic for my childhood home, where I lived from age 2 until 18, and was only sold after my mother died when I was over 50. However, the house was remodeled into non-recognition, the yard my father spend decades landscaping (growing much from seed in his lath house, using home made compost before everyone was making compost) bulldozed to flatness. I can be nostalgic for the old downtown of my youth, but we're talking San Francisco East Bay suburb and progress was inevitable to make it the up-scale community it is now, so all those stores are gone. I left in 2011 and...