Haiku Sequence - Tanka Tuesday No. 334: Kigo

 Tanka Tuesday No. 334

Colleen of Tanka Tuesday has provided the following instructions for this week's poetry challenge, as well as a list of kigo words to choose from.  I have chosen, from under Human Affairs, prayers for rain and from Sky and Elements, scorching, used in a haiku sequence.  It's the story of my August.

This week, choose a kigo (season word of seasonal phrase) and write your syllabic poetry using the word of seasonal phrase... Please share your kigo word on your post.

stay inside

thick smokes blocks the sun

pray for rain


wildfire smoke

snakes under the door

dog sneezes


scorched garden

withered Brandywines


 ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesdayno334 #syllabicpoetry #syllabicpoem #kigo #haiku #haikusequence #summerpoetry #summerpoem 


  1. You have had a miserable summer, Lisa. I hope the fall brings some needed rains to the area. These are great haiku. I thought you might enjoy using the kigo words for inspiration.

    1. Definitely did enjoy that! I've tried to use them ever since 1974-1975 when my creative writing teacher in high school taught us to never us the names of the seasons, only allude to them.

  2. You bring the reality of the wildfires up close and personal. Hope you and your loved ones stay safe.

    1. Thank you. The fires aren't close by, the valley I live in just fills up with the smoke. The fire that did burn here in 2020 wasn't a wild fire, it was arson and burnt many, many homes.

  3. Praying you are safe and things are improving 💜💜

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! If they read concise I did my haiku right!


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