Prince Charming?
Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 321 " This week's challenge is to write a specific form with a twist! Write an acrostic poem with a syllable count of 8, 9, or 10 syllables per line (all the same, or a mixture of syllable counts, is fine) ." I chose the word "Charm" and wrote a two stanza poem with the syllable count of 9/8/9/8/9 each. image public domain C ould he be more utterly handsome? H ave I died and gone to heaven? A ll I’ve ever wanted in a man, R ight there across the room from me. M y luck abandoned; he’s with his wife. C an it be, or am I in a dream? H eavenly angel here on earth! A ll I have ever wanted in life. R ed hair agleam in the moonlight. M y luck abandoned; I’m with my wife. ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved #tankatuesday #tankatuesdayno321 #acrosticpoem #acrosticpoetry