Laundromat Memory - a true story

 Friday Fictioneers 

"The Challenge: Write a complete story in one hundred words or less."

photo prompt

©Miles Rost

100 words

Every time I see a laundromat I am transported back in time to 1981.

I was pregnant, had just moved into a rented house with no laundry facilities, necessitating a trip to the local laundromat.

One day, as I sat crocheting the coming-home blanket for my baby, a woman came, sat next to me, and opened a can of sardines. 

There are some odors a pregnant woman cannot handle; for me it was that smell of oily fish.  She started picking them out with her fingers, tilting back her head, and slurping them into her waiting mouth.

Oh, the nausea!

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights

#storyprompt #fridayfictioneers #100words #100wordstory 


  1. Oh my goodness, that must have been awful, the vision, the sound and the stink!

    1. Yes, it's stuck with me all these years! That baby is now 41!

  2. Not a happy moment, but a good and relatable story (even in not pregnant).

  3. When I was pregnant, my trigger smells were coffee and cooking chicken or turkey, so I can just begin to imagine sardines. I don't think I would have gotten out of that laundromat in time.

    1. With my youngest it was coffee. It was hard for my husband since he was used to the coffee machine turning on in the mornings, and he had to stop making it at home! I don't remember any smells with my middle, a daughter. It's amazing any of us ever have more than one child, pregnancy is awful!


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