No Happy Endings

 The Whirligig #409

Prompt words in red. 

The snapshots in the album should have revealed a love story, as page by page the story unfolded to the happy ending of fairytales.

See, look here.  The couple, a picture of happiness, laughing in the park. In this one, they are skipping hand in hand up the alley, kicking lines in the snow to spell out their names.  The Mr. and Mrs. of the cottage with lace curtains at the front door, preserved in living color.  Even this candid shot of her mid-laugh, with toothbrush in raised hand is part of the story.  

Give the pages another turn, and we see the story has changed.  That’s life.  Life brings changes, and happy endings are fairytales. 

She drops the album into the trash with the remains of the Indian takeout for one.   

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 


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