Do Not Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Friday Fictioneers

"The Challenge: Write a complete story in one hundred words of less."

It's not a story, it's a poem.  But, the poem tells a story.  The story of a relationship in peril, all because of a baseball loving partner who just doesn't listen.

photo prompt

©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

100 words

You told me there’d be a surprise.

To be patient, shut my eyes.

You led me to seats.

You promised me treats.

But, now I hear multiple cries.


I told you never do listen!

Do you see my eyes start to glisten?

You know I hate crowds,

(and these have the louds),

and also how heights give me frission.


I never liked baseball,

I’m going to go AWOL.

Your inconsideration’s a sting,

since sports is just not my thing.

I prefer a lovely pub-crawl!


To make matter worse,

and I could just curse,

the seats are right in the sun!

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#storyprompt #fridayfictioneers #100wordstory #100words 



  1. There was a fan of baseball
    Who wouldn't listen at all
    To the cries of his spouse
    Who prefered public house
    He's surely destined for a fall

  2. Sounds like this could be the end of the relationship! Good fun read.

  3. I think he needs to start listening. Well done on telling a story in poem form!

  4. Not a good sport at all. Time to move on.

    1. No, it seems he may be too fond of spectator sports though.

  5. Dear Lisa,

    Poems are welcome. Nicely done.



  6. Two who are fixed in their positions sound like a perfect match. Not. Doesn't sound at all fun for her. (msjadeli commenting. it wouldn't let me add my name)


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