
Showing posts from February, 2023


 The Sunday Muse #248 photo prompt  photo  You say girls can't play chess? It's too complicated for our pretty little brains? Think again, boys.    ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved #thesundaymuse #photoprompt #poetryprompt #writingprompt 

Do Not Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Friday Fictioneers "The Challenge: Write a complete story in one hundred words of less." It's not a story, it's a poem.  But, the poem tells a story.  The story of a relationship in peril, all because of a baseball loving partner who just doesn't listen. photo prompt ©Rochelle Wisoff-Fields 100 words You told me there’d be a surprise. To be patient, shut my eyes. You led me to seats. You promised me treats. But, now I hear multiple cries.   I told you never do listen! Do you see my eyes start to glisten? You know I hate crowds, (and these have the louds), and also how heights give me frission.   I never liked baseball, I’m going to go AWOL. Your inconsideration’s a sting, since sports is just not my thing. I prefer a lovely pub-crawl!   To make matter worse, and I could just curse, the seats are right in the sun! ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved #storyprompt #fridayfictioneers #100wordstory #100words  ...

Lady Gertrude

 Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 308 Ekphrastic Prompt "This week, using the painting as your inspiration, please write either a syllabic poetry form   or   a freestyle poem, including a syllabic form   (both poetry forms on the same post) ." Portrait of Lady Agnew of Lochnaw (1865-1932) by John Singer Sargent, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons I've written a sequence of three American Sentences. I fear I am not well, nor have been in years, I languish, I grow weak. I pose in a chair of floral chintz, in a gown of lilac chiffon. It may be worth it in the end, this portrait will add to my prestige. ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved #tankatuesdayno308 #syllabicpoetry #americansentence #ekphrasticpoetry #ekphrasis,

Synonyms Only - Two for Tanka Tuesday February 14, 2023

 Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 307 words not to use: change and grow  I have written two, as change can be taken more than one way.  This first is a Kelly Lune, syllable count of 5/3/5, invented by Robert Kelly.  Jack Collom later introduced the word count 5/3/5 Lune. Coins in my pocket. So few, yet saved may multiply.  This second is a zappai, 5/7/5. Make a difference. Cultivate kindness to all in abounding love.   ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved #tankatuesdayno307 #syllabicpoetry #kellylune #zappai #synonymsonly #tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesdayweeklypoetrychallenge 

No Happy Endings

 The Whirligig #409 Prompt words in red.  The snapshots in the album should have revealed a love story, as page by page the story unfolded to the  happy ending of fairytales. See, look here.  The couple, a picture of happiness, laughing in the park. In this one, they are skipping hand in hand up the alley , kicking lines in the snow to spell out their names .   The Mr. and Mrs. of the cottage with lace curtain s  at the front door, preserved in living color.   Even this candid shot of her mid-laugh, with toothbrush in raised hand is part of the story.   Give the pages another turn, and we see the story has changed .   That’s life.   Life brings changes, and happy endings are fairytales.   She drops the album into the trash with the remains of the Indian takeout for one.    ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved