The Gray Scarf - a Ukiah

Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 199

Theme prompt from Eugi: The Gray Scarf 

For this prompt I have written a ukiah, which is an invented form of reverse haiku.   Invented by Robert Ropars, the syllable count is 7/5/7, each line rhymes, and there is a title.


image: public domain

 My angora scarf of gray
in puff stitch crochet
keeps winter chills at bay

©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesday #tankatuesdayweeklypoetrychallenge #tankatuesdayno199 #themeprompt #syllablicpoetry #syllabicpoem #ukiahpoetry #ukiahpoem #reversehaiku 


  1. It is fun! I first learned about it when I did the A to Z April Challenge and needed a U form.

  2. Interesting form. Like the crochet (dependent on speaking voice).

    1. It's fun to break the "rules" now and again!


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